Guna app Rapid Penang lah Penang lang


The passengers of Rapid Penang take note.

Tell passengers of Rapid Penang too.

They can use the application of Rapid Penang to plan their time. This app is good. From the comment on the play store, it is only the colour needed a change. The app developer(s) did not test it out in the hot sun. Of course, they do not use Rapid Penang too. 

Just a click and you solve the waiting time. You may have a cup of coffee at the bus station terminal or even bus stop before boarding for your next destination. 

It is best to plan when you are at home.

There is a new app for from the company, PULSE, which still needed to be improve as it is not user friendly now. It should not be using the log in system. 

The next review of PULSE would be coming a few months later.
