Hottest time in Malaysia


When it is the hottest time in Malaysia.

It depends on which part of Malaysia you are talking about.

Here are two time zones which was destroyed by Dr M, a medical doctor turn politician who did not know about the geography zone.

The peninsula of Malaya 12.30 hours is the hottest time but in Sabah and Sarawak, it is the 12 noon. 

It is because Dr M has used the time of East Malaysia, which is 30 minutes earlier of the international time zone.

By doing so, the life of East Malaysia is not much affected but in West Malaysia, Peninsula of Malaya is moving 30 minutes earlier. Can you imagine how difficult to get out of the house in the darkness of 6.30am in West Malaysia whereas in East Malaysia is already sun up in the sky.

Dr M not only changed the time zone for Malaysia but also change the DNA for the non Malays, like Bugis, Minangkabau and his personal DNA is an Indian.

When the truth be returned to the people of Malaysia?
