Part 1 : Residents of Nibong Tebal can go swimming in Bukit Mertajam by bus No 802


There is a bus from Nibong Tebal to Bukit Mertajam.

The residents from on the route of this Rapid Penang bus No 802 are as follows:

Sungai Bakap

Simpang Empat

Bukit Minyat

Kampung Sireh ( the nearest)

It is all 64 bus stops and it takes more than an hour to reach Jalan Padang Lalang. You can drop at the KTM bus stop and walk into the Komplek Sukan MBSP, Jalan Betek.

If you found that it were too far, got your ADUN to read the following information, which Penang state can build half Olympic size swimming pools without paying a cent but need creativity and high caliber people to negotiate for sponsors.

Look at the OCBC Aquatic Center in Singapore, they could get the OCBC bank to sponsor, why the Penang state government could not get the sponspors from the local companies or international brands of swimming gears as sponsors?

Read the suggestion from us how to build half Olympic size swimming pools in all the constituencies in Penang.
