Is DAP a democratic political party ?


The blocking of Twitter account is very common for the Twitter users. We all have done that. 

But for some people, like influencers, famous film stars or singers, even the political parties should be awared of this.

Of late, we read about the DAP Twitter account blocked the Pro UMNO Twitter group, MYNEWSHUB 

Could this be the personal feeling of the administrators or the decision of the national body?

Most of the time, the administrators would take the decision without reporting to the committee. 

As a democratic political party, it should allow people to voice whatever they want. Of course, there are much immatured comments.  But, blocking in Twitter or Facebook etc is clearly damage the image of democratic. 

The other one who called DAP is not democratic is from Ronnie LIU.

 We have no intention to criticise DAP as a whole but to study the word and act of DAP for democracy .
