Does the manifesto of #PRU15 have these two new acts?


 Nothing is with gay marriage this time.

Of course, it is still wait and see how the politicians do in the internet age to challenge the bigots and homophobia in the religious people. Singapore bowed to the Christians and Malaysia bows to more groups, Christians and Muslim. But non of them challenge the homophobia to do the Kinsey Scale Test online.

Here we talk about : new act for receiving gifts and housing act.

Gifts for politicians should not be more than RM1. The late LEE Kuan Yew did not receive the gift which was more than S$ 50. 

You may say that what are the items less than RM1, there are many, go to the shop and make a survey. Though inflation has pushed up prices of goods, there are still items cost less than RM1.

The intention is to reduce the corruption by gifts, especially from Saudi Arabia, would be in millions as Saudi is rich.

Next, nothing news as we have said it many times - housing act.

From 2023 onwards, no Malaysia citizens can own more than one house, big or small. No house should be sold to foreigners like the Malaysia Second Home.

House is built for living but not for profiting.

Of course, don't forget that the empty home tax. 

If a family of 5 from a rich family, they can have 5 houses. They live in one house and the rest  of 4 renting out. Fine, they are in still the act. One citizen owns one house. If the house could not have tenant for more than 6 months, the owner has to pay empty home tax.


