Distance learning universities in #Malaysia


Be wise, be smart.

If your family financial having problem to allow you to study in full time course in university, you could study the distance learning mode. It is same as the full time course. There are few Malaysia public universities proving the distance learning mode.

Read the information from this government site which does not provide more information about distance learning details but you can read the main pages of the universities. They have links on it.


Share the information to your friends. Do not let the poor family, not all people studying in distance programms are poor, smart ones do not like to do the full time course, they go working, earn money and study at the same time.

In future, the employers would look for distance learning graduates because these students can manage well the work and time for study. Time management is vital.

Here are few links:

https://umcced.edu.my/programme  Universiti Malaya


