There are many ways to lure non Muslims into Muslim in Malaysia.
Human beings are greedy at the first place. All kinds of interests can be the sweet to few or some people. For example, it is always saying that a Muslim man can married four wives in Malaysia.
Conversion to Islam faith, can get better change of going to local public universities and of course, it was the saying in Klang Kapar area, the conversion to Islam , the Muslim could get land.
Of course, more items are flying around. If you were a Malaysian, you knew some of them.
Here is the discussion of born Muslim and converted Muslim like Reduan Tee, would that be a different?
Why born Muslim in Malaysia is not allowed to leave the religion as he/she wished. Born into a family does not mean that you like everything the family values. For example, the sexual orientation is not the same for all families.
A religion of peace as you can hear lots of such statement flying around even the Taliban also pronounced that kind of statement, how peaceful it is, you can find more online.
A quick search online let us have such information on how religion units are used for the community.
If religion played the role to help people free the worries and sadness, it should not be a compulsion of following.
Buddhism is not a religion, followers can come and go. It is just like you want to go to A school or B school and you can return to A school later.
We are in the internet age, do we need religion? Yes, we do. Some people have weaker mind, they need religion to stablise the uneasiness. When you are in the wild, you need to stablise the fear feeling, you need a higher spiritual being to help you.
But not allowing the born followers to leave the practice of religion which is not advisable. Why pressurized the people to live the misery life?
Unfortunately we could not find the information on, the religion cause the mental problem.
Here the Orang Asli in Malaysia are forced to convert to Islam faith gained lots of supports but less people come forward to discuss the Muslims who are born in the Muslim family should be allowed to leave the Islam faith and follow or not following any religion. If Taosim is such a way, Redhuan TEE would be in Malaysia to preach the nonsense to the people.
Don't spend the taxpayers money unnecessary on issue pertaining to conversion of religion. The taxpayer money should be wisely used in education and medical care for the people in Malaysia.
Is this true ? Comment from Malaysiakini
“Let there be no compulsion in religion.”
[al-Baqarah 2:256]
The ‘compulsion’ we see exerted here in Malaysia is shown by very small number of zealots, bigots, greedy and power hungry corrupt politicians and fake wannabe religious leaders. The ummah overall KNOW of this particular groups abuse and that what they do is against the tenets of the religion, yet they choose to not say or do anything against such acts.