Comment : Contractors ordered to pay for abandoning projects, Malaysia


 This report showed the gut of kerajaan MADANI.

But why they have no gut to pass the law to tax the empty house like in Canada, Japan and soon in Taiwan. Australia is on the way.

Housing is a need, not a want. For some people it is the want. 

Building more houses in Malaysia spell the disaster because more lands are taken to build the house but no land to cultivate food. 

Are the politicians that stupid for not able to think for solving the living problem.

How the state government loses out millions of taxes from the unoccupied houses. PMX cried for more allocation from the government, in fact, they can save lots of money for the taxpayers. 

However, the taxpayers are mostly in the middle class, they don't bother for the poor people. 

Introduce the car entitlement fee for cars like Singapore, less cars on the road, more people are using public transport.

Covid19 taught people a lesson for using the online purchasing and shopping. Only the extrovert people would like to go out.

Kerajaan MADANI has to speed up for the safety online shopping. Get the people in Malaysia not to be so naive to trust the people. Get to buy the goods and items with the trusted companies, in fact, the sundry shops in the rural areas should begin with it. Household can order items via social media as a group, they can save the time and space. The owner must be trusted people not to cheat the customers.  

It depends the intelligent of the people for how to save time to go to sundry shops to buy the rice or save time to learn more things at home.  

If you did not have house to live,started to campaign for the empty house tax first.

Contractors ordered to pay for abandoning projects

