Should build a public swimming pool in Kampar


How many public swimming pools in Perak state in Malaysia ? 

A quick search we found three (3) public swimming pools for about 3 million people in Perak. 

One which is famous as it was the venue for the SUKMA XIX in 2018, Swimming Pool Bandaraya  Ipoh. 

The other is in Kuala Kangsar

The third one we could not locate the place, it might be the swimming pool in Taiping which is closed for public used.

Of course, there are other private clubs and universities which provide swimming pools for the members and students only. One which is very strange, the TAR College, a college collected money from the public, especially from Chinese community but does not open its swimming pool to the public.

Swimming is the best exercise, as we have not stopped updating the information for health benefits as we felt that all Malaysians should know swimming and go swimming.

The Taman Rekresi Kampar is the good location to build a half Olympic size swimming for the people who live around the area like Jeram, Bambang Di Awan (Bambang Diawan). Timor, Malim Nawar etc, as you can search for the map.,101.1532858/Taman+Rekreasi+Kampar,+Kampung+Masjid,+31900+Kampar,+Perak/@4.3146809,101.1367419,14z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x31cae2a80c5a3295:0x7d20afe900f6d95d!2m2!1d101.150887!2d4.316012?hl=en&entry=ttu

An idea location for a public swimming should have public transport; bus, to pass by. Terminal One Bus Kampar is next to it. Besides, there are few secondary and primary schools near by like SMK ACS, SMJK Pei Yuan, SM Pei Yuan (private) SK ACS, SRJK Pei Yuan, SK De La Salleh, SRJK Tamil Kampar. These schools can provide the swimmers for Perak state in the SEA Games.

Swimming can reduce the high blood pressure,cholesterol, diabetes, mental health problems etc. 

Refer to our research article for the Penang state below:

Building the half Olympic size swimming in Kampar or other districts, do not have to follow the international standard. It is very much for health benefits and practising of swimming for swimmers.

Here we summarise for the quick reading:

>Depth of the pool: 1.2m throught out the pool.

>No changing rooms are required.

>Two toilets are sufficient.

>Open shower places,with bamboo wall, for environmental purposes, easy to get bamboo in Perak state,one for male, one for female, each place has two shower heads. Local people do not shower and they go home to shower. 

>Gym equipment installed in the park can be moved to the upper floor of the swimming pool. 

There should not be having free parking nearby. The parking lots can be build on top of the swimming pool. The government can have more income.

Building free swimming pools is possible as long as the people in the public service are creative to get sponsors, from banks, swimming gears etc Look at the Olympic Games sponsors.


Part Two

Note;: Location 
