Swimming : Strange Singaporeans


When the world is going into 5 G internet speed. Singapore medical team is still sleeping. 

Many research showed that swimming can help to reduce the mental health pressure, Singapore government still waste the taxpayers money by providing medicines. 

According to the online information, Singapore has 25 public Olympic size swimming pools but the medical doctors did not recommend the patients to go swimming. 

Can you imagine what these medical doctors are doing ? It is because the medical school did not list the swimming and the benefits. 

We do not say Malaysia is much better, it is because Malaysia has no big amount of swimming pools at the moment.

Just search in YouTubem swimming, mental health, you can different parts of information from BBC. We are tired to list the YouTube here. We shall see how many Singaporeans are going to force the medical doctors to conduct the research.

Debate highlights on Govt’s approach to improving Singaporeans’ mental health


