Anwar makes many mistakes


 Our PM X makes not only one mistake in the ringgit.

He intentionally or unintentionally made many mistakes in the past. As a national leaders, he did not change his way of speech. He still maintains in the opposition way of thinking. 

Can he move himself away from too religious as in his youth time? 

Which country uses religion as the forefront way can be progress fast and good.

Religion is very personal, but the mental health problem politicians never get away from it. They talked and the next day apologised. They are playing the children games. 

Of course, PM X does not work alone on the decision, however,his team of advisors are having lots of mental health problems. Read here The comments are very informative as we have said it before. Any tom and harry knows that the salary high would not change the PH winning in the coming General Election. 

 80% of them won't even vote for u...u thk they will bother with u?

He used taxpayers money for aiding people thousands of kilometer away from Malaysia, the leaders of that particular place are having mental health problem and it spreads to PMX. 

Are you going to vote for Pakatan Harapan ? 

Many have express their feeling for not coming out to vote.  Read here

The Palestine neighbours said nothing but thousands kilometers away in Malaysia, the mental health problem people are yelling and shouting to the sky. Foreign flag is flying high in Malaysia but no action is being taken. Read here

Who paid for the gathering? The cost of renting the stadium who would be sponsoring ? Of course, most likely the taxpayers money from the haram (illegal) beer taxes.

 It would be endless for talking about PM X. He is still in the 70s, his days of varsity but not in the internet age. 

A PM in Singapore who knew swimming, there are 25 swimming pools on the island. A PM knows well of religious texts, only mental health work appeared. 

 COMMENT | Anwar makes another mistake - on ringgit

