Should we have pink streets for mental health ladies



Malaysia is full of sex manias.

Why MRT is losing money? 

Did the management do a research on it? 

Why the pink coach needs to be on the whole day ? Why can't it be at the peak hours? 

We have suggested that but no one wants to send the article to MRT and the ministry of transport. 

The pink coach would be empty, near empty on non peak hours, it is a waste of money to pull another coach. 

There are too many sex maniacs running around or too many mental people running around. 

The lesbians would love to have pink coaches, thus this promote the homosexuality for the female. 

Woman should be taught to defend for themselves at home or out on the street, not to ask for pink this and pink that, should we have pink streets too, only for the female shoppers?  

When these people advocate for the pink coach, surely, they are mental health problem people, they still go to night market and shopping centers. Would they not be molested by the sex maniacs? 

The ministry of transport should send these people for mental health check, of course, can do it online too here

It is very strange that, MOH knows the mental health problem, but does not go research on mental health and swimming, the medical doctors know how to prescribe tranquilizer but not even know the swimming helps many sickness and illness.

We have lots of such information on our blog, search, swimming, you see most of them.

Man in MRT Women’s Coach With Daughters Gets Into Shouting Match With Lady Who Confronts Him
