Budget 2025 in Malaysia


2025 budget for Malaysia would not benefits the B40 group.

There is because B40 could not voice their problems due to language, financial for proposing, no time to think and do much analysis. 

However, there is no group doing the work to send simple survey form to B40 to ask them to tick. 

If the ministers were paid the minimum wage as we suggested long before, the situation of B40 would be straight ahead knew by the MPs and they can formulate the proper budget to lift the poverty out of Malaysia. 

The suggestion by Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) is ignored by the government of the day since 2023. RM500 a month of allowance for the non pensioners aged above 65. 



Mereka menyarankan warga emas berumur 65 tahun ke atas diberikan elaun bulanan RM500 sehingga meninggal dunia.

 Do you think 2025 would be the good year for the B40. Those M40 would have sufficient fund to live to the end of their life.Only B40 would have problem. Of course, those who have got the Bantuan Emas RM500 should not be given this bantuan, aids again. 

On the whole, how many are in need of aids after the Covid 19? 

 According to the most recent estimates by DOSM, the composition of the population aged 65 years and over (old age) increased from 7.2% in 2022 to 7.4% in 2023, encompassing 2.5 million people, indicating that Malaysia is experiencing population ageing.


It is only 2.5 million people according to the article by Astroawani. The 2.5 million would consist of 10% are well to do people and another 15% of the middle class people. Therefore, with only 75% of people needed and able to get the aids. 

The amount of money sending to a country thousands of kilometers away can be sufficient to pay this project. 

Besides, introducing the empty home tax would generate another 50% of the income for the government to fund this project. 

How do you think about it ? 

Budget 2025

