Reform our country first ,Tok Mat


Of course, his speech was prepared in advanced by the ministry. 

He, Tok Mat has nothing to represent the country.

Talking human rights and humanity, the Kerajaan MADANI should consider it before sending your representative to talk cocks.

Where is the human rights in Malaysia when Malay is the priority in all sectors.  

Second, the Gay rights in Malaysia is terrible bad treated. Thus, the talents leave Malaysia for their future days. 

For the humanity, why Islam rules are putting women in the bad position. Why all the problems are arising from the religion?  Just look at the single mothers in the Muslim community. 

The possibility, the divorce came in the marriage, gay married a bisexual woman etc. 

Only two religions in our country are opposing the same sex marriage law. Buddhism is not a religion, they have no right to oppose the same sex marriage. 

Don't have to reform UN, reform Malaysia education system, human rights first.

As Rivers of Rainbow pointed out that, there is no heterosexual on earth. Looking at the fingers can also know the sexual orientation. 

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