These mind folded by the religion politicians are so worried about the drop of marriages.
New generation homosexuals are able to find their way for happy life unlike the olden time, male homosexuals were forced into marriage otherwise would be seen as an alien.
The drop of marriage is of course a drop of divorce, this is a correlated, isn't it ?
Wait a minute, there are still many homosexuals forced into marriage on the rural areas.
Do the Kinsey Scale Test, you would know whom you are, do not cheat to live a life not for you.
These Muslim politicians are afraid of the drop would bring to the dead of the racial and religion based political party.
How selfish they are. Open your eyes to see the climate problem, it is due to the increased of population.
Many Muslim politicians are homosexuals but they live their lives with lies and unhappiness thus they cause lots of problems in the parliament.
In 2023, Malaysians see a drop in marriages… but also divorces: Here are some numbers about weddings last year