Swimming: How to solve the mental health issues in Malaysia ?


 Mental health is the problem of brain.

We have times again said about the benefits of swimming. But the politicians in Malaysia do not listen to it. 

This has made us to call for your vote in 16th General Election. It may not be too far away. 

If you had family members who were taking the medicines, you should share this information to your friends to urge them to avoid taking the medicine. 

We do not want to waste the time , just search our blog, swimming,  you can all information from building swimming, fiberglass swimming pools to managing swimming pools in the internet age. 

Why let the students suffering? 

Of course, religion is another part of cause for mental health issue. Not to forget the homosexual right that 377 Penal Code still maintain in Malaysia. Only 5 countries in the world still maintain the 377 Penal Code. 

How medical doctors in Malaysia are so ignorance of swimming and mental health and other benefits.

Mental health issues among students increased 2-fold last year, Dewan told


