Part 3: Penang state can have 500 #swimming pools if only....


What the 500 swimming pools in Penang can bring in more healthy residents.

In Part One and Part Two we talk about sports facilities. In Part Three is also on sports facilities. Sports activities are fountains of life and health. 

This suggestion would be for mostly the parking lots. Where they can build the first floor for the lawn bowling. What it is going to be the second floor, it might have to build more than ten floors for the sports facilities and no parking spaces.

Dear, look at, the second floor, can be a adjustable and arrangement sport center. Not all the parking lots will be full during the weekend or week days especially the parking lots at the stadium. It is only fulled during the match evening. Malaysia never host soccer match in the morning or in the afternoon.

What are the sports which do not need high space, table tennis. Of course, there are more like rope skipping which is not popular in Malaysia.With the promotion, Malaysia can be the champion in the world. 

With creativity, Malaysia can save space and money. People are more healthy. Malaysia can save more money for medication.The most important, more smiles on the faces and happy families.

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Rope skipping


Part One

Part Two 

Final Part
