Converts Containers To Amazing Houses



Do you need a big house ?

Big house needs more space and more money, of course. 

Change your concept.

Malaysia can have the container house, many countries are having that. Who needs to borrow the money from the sucking bank loan.

If you were wise, you need a small place to live. Many facilities can be used in the public for example, library. You do not need to keep many books. The mini shops should be around within the walking distance, even 3 kilometers are not too far, as a human needs to walk 5000 steps to keep health. You do not need to go to gym to build your body, having good body does not equal to healthy body.

Certainly, if there were half Olympic swimming pools, near by, it is the best to go swimming.

How to construct more swimming pools? Read here 

If you were the residents in Penang state, you can do a petition to the local representatives or state assembly persons to build free half Olympic swimming pools. Here it is

This Chennai Woman Converts Containers To Amazing Houses!


