What the ADUN can do with the unsold houses ?



Yes, the state assembly persons only know how to tell the figures but not how to solve the problem.

This is how you get the silly person to be your state assembly person or Member of the Parliament. 

They have not heard about empty home tax, or empty house tax. We have times and again urging the government in Malaysia and states to pass the law to have the empty home tax. 

Who is going to tell this person about the empty home tax? Even they know about it, the MPs and ADUNs are too afraid of the middle class people. 

These ADUNs did not do the data on building the houses and the populations. 

Here it is the information on empty home tax, or empty house tax.


Vote wisely in GE 16.

Do you want to do a petition or a protest? As if the protests here and there were a fashion now.


Over 2,000 unsold houses in state in 2022



