SPR should list undi rosak on its official website



Why SPR is not listing the spoilt votes on the website? 

Many people have asked this question.

Suruhanjaya Pilihan Jaya (SPR) never want to answer and take the change. 

You can send this post to all the politicians and finally email it to the SPR.

Candidates will not know the dissatisfaction of the voters towards them. Thus they can't see the actively of the voters. They just blame the voters for not coming out to vote. How the voices can be channel to the representative, ADUN or MP?

In the internet age, how the politicians are not knowing to change ? 

Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (SPR)



Listen to Hafidz, that is the right way. Stay home, no voice is known. Undi rosak can manifesto the feeling for your wants.

So, SPR should record the undi rosak and list it on the website. Let the people check it from time to time.

Undi rosak is a manifesto of people who do not like either parties or they want to say something via the vote, written on it, as we have suggested  https://malaysiakusayang.blogspot.com/2023/05/tidak-undi-vs-undirosak.html

Search our blog, undi rosak, you can see more. How it is time for the NGOs to pressure the SPR to change the system, list the spoiled votes, undi rosak on the SPR website officially to show how much the voters are not happy with the system.

It is the internet age and concept has to change to view undi rosak as nothing. 

Part Two

